Social Security Disability Frequently Asked Questions
What is Social Security Disability?
Social Security Disability Compensation is potentially available to anyone who has paid Social Security taxes and has become unable to work due to an extended illness or disability. If you are disabled or ill and are unable to work, you could be eligible for Social Security Disability. The Social Security Disability program pays benefits to you and certain members of your family if you worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes from your paychecks.
Proving your eligibility for Social Security Disability is not easy, however, and the process to apply for this benefit is a precarious one. Most people who apply for SSD on their own without the help of an attorney are denied benefits (62% are denied in Michigan after the initial application and 45% are denied after an appeal hearing). Only people who have a disability and meet certain medical criteria are considered qualified for benefits by the Social Security Administration.
How Do I Know if I Qualify for Social Security Disability Compensation?
Qualifying for and receiving Social Security Disability benefits can be a complicated process. If you are disabled either physically or mentally and are unable to work, you could qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, however, it is not guaranteed. The best thing to do is to call our office and speak with Jeff Appel and allow him to evaluate your case. One important thing to remember is that 62% of Social Security Disability applications in Michigan are initially turned down by the Social Security Administration. Another important point to remember is that to get an appeal hearing after receiving a rejection can take 14 months and then only about 1/2 are approved after the appeal.
Rather than trying to apply on your own and risk being turned down (remember that 62% are initially turned down) call Jeff Appel first and increase your chances of winning your case substantially. Jeff wins 90% of his Social Security Disability cases based on his personal attention to the client, his knowledge of the law, his ability to prepare the client for their hearing and his own meticulous preparation.
Why Call Jeff Appel Instead of One of Those Big Law Firms?
Social Security practice is dominated by the TV advertising law firms who do a really poor job. The client meets with the attorney at the hearing for the first time and all the prep work is done by paralegals. Jeff gives immediate personal attention to all of his clients, starting with the application all the way through the courtroom. Jeff doesn't assign a paralegal to your case, he handles it all himself. Furthermore, Jeff wins about 90% of his Social Security Disability cases - this is an outstanding number of wins!
Additionally, Jeff's personal attention to his clients includes the invitation to call him on his cell phone day or night including weekends! None of those big law firms with their hired attorneys are going to do that for you!
Finally, Jeff Appel's expertise in the field of Social Security Disability is behind his personal attention to your individual case. Jeff has 40 years of experience! Wouldn't you rather have a seasoned veteran working on your case instead of a first year paralegal who doesn't have the knowledge and experience that Jeff does? That's what you get when you hire Jeff Appel for your Social Security Disability case.
Why Do I Need a Lawyer to File for Social Security Disability Compensation?
Many Social Security Disability claims are denied due to a lack of solid medical evidence. If you want to qualify for SSD benefits you will need to prove that you are unable to work due to your disabling condition whether that be an illness or an injury. To apply for SSD benefits in Michigan, you’ll need to have a significant amount of information on hand, including details about the condition(s) that cause you to be unable to work, medical or psychiatric treatment you’ve obtained (including your doctors' contact information), and your past employment and earnings.
Only 38% of Michigan Social Security Disability applicants are approved for disability following the initial application. Only about 1/2 are approved after an appeal hearing which can take up to 14 months. That's 14 months only to find out you could be denied benefits - 1/2 are denied. You could be homeless by then! Jeff Appel gets 90% of his cases approved. That's an increased chance of about 35-40%!
An attorney who knows the law will know what documentation will help you to win your case. Many people are denied SSD benefits even though they believe they have solid medical evidence that will help them to acquire those benefits. Applying for and acquiring Social Security Disability benefits in Michigan is not a simple and straightforward process and requires skill and knowledge of the law as well as meticulous preparation of applicable documentation. Jeff Appel knows the law better than most as he has been practicing Social Security Disability law in Michigan for most of his 40 years as an attorney.
What Other Types of Legal Services Do You Provide?
Most of the cases Jeff Appel takes are related to Social Security Disability, however, Jeff is also an expert with Long and Short Term Disability and Workers' Compensation. Although Jeff practices mostly Social Security Disability law, he may be able to help you with your Long or Short Term Disability or Workers' Compensation case. You can call Jeff during normal business hours at 248-569-4400.

Phone 248.569.4400
Fax Number 248.355.5674
You can call Jeff Appel days, nights or weekends
Jeff's office is located at:
26000 West Twelve Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48034